Where the Mind is Free...

Mind you, we are mind. / We are not the kind / To stay too confined. Robert Frost, "Kitty Hawk"

You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. Mahatma Gandhi

I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Man Unbound

Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation. Teilhard de Chardin

What comes over a man,
is it soul or mind
That to no limits and bounds
he can stay confined? Robert Frost

Whatever appeals to the imagination, by transcending the ordinary limits of human ability, wonderfully encourages and liberates us. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nietzsche - The Superman

When Zarathustra arrived at the nearest town which adjoineth theforest, he found many people assembled in the market-place; for it had been announced that a rope-dancer would give a performance. And Zarathustra spake thus unto the people:

I teach you the Superman. Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass man?

All beings hitherto have created something beyond themselves: and ye want to be the ebb of that great tide, and would rather go back to the beast than surpass man?

What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame.

Ye have made your way from the worm to man, and much within you is still worm. Once were ye apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes. Even the wisest among you is only a disharmony and hybrid of plantand phantom. But do I bid you become phantoms or plants?
Lo, I teach you the Superman!

The Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: The Superman shall be the meaning of the earth!

--Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra, translated by Thomas Common

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